Read our blog posts written by coaches.


Business coaching gives you peace of mind. It aligns us together so you have a trusted advisor to talk to and gain wisdom from. There is almost nothing we have not encountered in business so take comfort in knowing that whatever your challenge or stumbling block is, we can help. Nothing we do is a one size fits all solution everything is individualized. It’s important to note that we are in the relationship business and developing trust and confidence is of the utmost importance.

6 Tips for Business Growth

1. Evaluate your business model, generate annual revenue goals, and make necessary changes As a small business owner, you are probably always looking for ways

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Creating the Funnel

Everybody is an expert at something, well, almost everybody. If you really take a minute and look at your life, you are probably really good

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Getting Creative

This past year, small business owners were especially impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many had to make the hard decision to shut their doors

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6 Tips for Business Growth

Evaluate your business model, generate annual revenue goals, and make necessary changes As a small business owner, you are probably always looking for ways to

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Sales Mindset

Sales does not have to be complicated or require endless training. What it requires is the correct mindset.

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Leadership, Culture and Retention

My business partner always says that for the most part a person does not quit their job, they quit their boss. If you are in a leadership position of any kind, this statement should immediately grab you and cause the hair on the back of your neck to stand at attention. If it does not then you should not be in a position of leadership – period.

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Passive Income

To develop a solid stream of passive income takes an incredible amount of work, time, and often money. It falls under the same misbelief of get rich quick schemes or get rich over night seminars.

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Creating the Funnel

Marketing is hard. You need customers to run a business without them you just have an office, idea, and skillset. No customers, no electricity.

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The first person who speaks, loses

This may sound like a very aggressive and perhaps even arrogant statement but the truth of the matter is that it is true. I have found myself in countless negotiations, some as simple as buying a car and some with international corporations.

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Pain or Pleasure??

There are primarily two motivating factors in our lives and they are pain and pleasure. I know this may sound a bit risque but it’s

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The Knowing Doing Dilemma

Does the employee know the process and is choosing not to do it or is the employee unclear on the process. Find the true problem in order to move forward.

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One Customer

Many years ago I had a client that gave me the best feedback I had ever received and he did so without even knowing it. I was working with a company developing a new strategy for an unexpected surge in business.

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Dress to Impress

The famous Zig Zigler once said “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.” In short this means that you

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Sell me your pen

There is an age old question that seems to be asked in nearly every sales type interview. The question is “Sell me this pen”. The

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