
Trying to get everybody on board: The Key to Training

You have to get the absolute top management involved. You need uniform front starting from the top. If everybody knows that the owner, CEO, CFO, and VP are on board then there will likely be success. This does not necessarily mean they have to be involved in every step of the implementation process just that they are on board and that there will be repercussions if they do no conform. For example, if the VP declares a new initiative but the owner has blown it off, then what do you expect the account managers to think?

When there is corporate emphasis on training (personal and professional development) then there is employee buy in. The best way to approach ongoing training is in short continuous intervals. Large corporations like to do these extravagant corporate training events, typically offsite and last a long duration of time. The thought is there but they are simply not productive. When push comes to shove and a customer service representative is speaking with a customer they will naturally refrain to their old habits because it is what they are most comfortable with. Training must be a progressive, tapered approach with sessions lasting no longer than an hour for any single training meeting. This allows for extreme repetition and garners full attention of the trainee.

Once the training plan has been unveiled and shared with the entire team it is important to get the sessions scheduled and in everybody’s calendar. Make it a priority! Remember that your biggest asset is your people. If you spent $100,000 developing a product how much should you spend training your sales team to sell that product? I would hope more than a 3 hour meeting that cost maybe $1000. People are your future, invest in them.

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