
BE HONEST – Is your company running you?

Here are 5 ideas for you to LEARN then APPLY so you can ACHIEVE

1. List all your employees and under each employee list their strengths and weaknesses. Identify whether their role in your company works to their strengths and if not, make a change.

Taking the time to evaluate the individual strengths and weaknesses of your employees is an important part of gaining control of your business. It is important to understand how an employee’s role compliments or detracts from the nature of their strengths and weaknesses. When doing this, it can be helpful to look at both hard skills, such as specific software or language capabilities, as well as soft skills, such as active listening and communication. This helps to ensure that employees are placed in roles that best match their individual abilities and motivations.

2. Make a list of everything you do on a daily basis and delegate 25% – 50% of that list to one or more people based on their strengths.  Don’t have employees?  Have you looked into a virtual assistant?

As part of gaining control of your business, it is necessary to identify what tasks you are currently responsible for on a daily basis; this could be anything from administrative tasks like emailing clients or managing invoices, to customer service roles like fielding queries or taking orders. It is then possible to create a plan for delegating these tasks out according to the skillset of your team. For instance, if an employee has strong technical knowledge, it may be more beneficial for them to take on certain jobs rather than yourself. Knowing which roles are most suitable for each person will enable you streamline processes within the organization while maximizing efficiency in terms of time management.

3. What is your end game? Write down your strategic plan and the goals associated with the plan.  It’s the number one thing all successful people have in common.

 Before embarking on any new venture, it is essential that you have a clear idea about where you would like your business to be in the future; this will help inform decisions along the way and allow you stay focused when times get tough! Additionally, setting clearly defined objectives will enable you measure progress towards those goals so that you can track performance over time. A good strategic plan should encompass elements such as market analysis, SWOT analysis (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats), target markets/audiences, action steps for achieving goals etc., all underpinned by solid research into current trends in order for it remain relevant.

4. Allocate a specific amount of time each day to evaluate the good, the bad and the ugly parts of your business and process that information.  You may be very surprised at what that reveals.

In order gain control over a business situation, it is necessary able analyze data objectively in order make informed decisions based upon evidence rather than guesswork! Setting aside dedicated time each day (or week!) enables you stay on top changes within the industry while also being able assess how well various aspects of your own business are performing against set targets over time; this could include looking at customer satisfaction rates or sales figures etc.. This also gives an opportunity identify any potential areas improvement which can then be investigated further with additional research into industry benchmarks etc..

5. Imagine that you have a magic wand, wave it over your business and what would you wish for? Be creative but practical and realistic.

Having total control over every aspect of running a business can seem quite daunting at times! But what if all our wishes could come true? What would we ask our magic wand for? Perhaps faster delivery times through automation technologies? More efficient processes free up extra resources? Increased customer satisfaction levels through improved visibility into operations? The possibilities here really are endless so think carefully about what tangible results would benefit both customers and staff alike before finally making a decision!

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