
Sales Mindset

I can’t tell you how many books I have read or seminars I have attended regarding something to do with sales. I think I lost count at a million.

Sales does not have to be complicated or require endless training. What it requires is the correct mindset. This is certainly not a subject that can be distilled into a 500 word post but it can be clarified to the point where you can process it better and let it percolate. The mindset of sales is very basic. In it’s simplest form, it’s about them and not you. That’s it in a nutshell. There are far too many sales people that when on a sales call expound the virtues of what their company can do or how revolutionary their product is.

The potential buyer really doesn’t care about that. What they care about is themselves and the problems or challenges they are facing. In order for you to connect with them they need to connect with you first. Wrap that around your head…They must feel like there is a rapport and the only way to make that happen is to help THEM establish the rapport. If it comes from them then it will be far more solid and better established. The only way to do that is through questions, questions, questions. When you ask questions, unbeknownst to them, you are controlling the conversation, steering it and uncovering potential pitfalls.

The mindset shift that needs to be made is that the focus absolutely and unequivocally must be them. Let them tell you what they don’t like about their current situation, let them tell you how terrible it is, let them tell you how they need something different. When they start talking like this they begin to trust you and if you can commiserate with them, even better.

A mind shift to them is the only way you will be successful. Once you have made this shift then all the other sales techniques that you have learned will be much more effective and powerful.

Let’s talk if you want to hear more. I can be reached at (603) 783-9333.

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