
Sales and Mediocrity

I had a conversation with a client recently about his sales department and his comment to me was “I’m not sure I have ever really managed my sales department effectively – I’m not really sure how to”.

Considering that the sales department or simply sales in general is the heart and soul of ALL companies this comment struck me as surprising. There are two main components in all companies. Producing and providing. Sales produces the need and purchase and the rest of the company provides. If the first part of that process is mediocre or passive then the rest of the company suffers.

It’s so very important that a company has a robust sales force complete with highly capable sales know how and a strong grasp of what they are selling. But just as important is the sales mechanisms that have in place. Goals, targets, volume, training, proper compensation, interaction and recognition. If you are leaving your sales to their own process then you have a mediocre sales force.

This is really something to think about and focus on. In today’s business climate it’s important to not only compensate correctly but also to challenge and recognize. Re-vamping a sales department is a huge undertaking but certainly one that pays dividends many times over.

Think about it…….

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