
9 Habits of the Most Successful People in the World

After a little research, here are 9 habits that the most successful people in the world incorporate into their lives daily:

  1. Wake up early

Having a set routine and following it every single day can create positive outcomes. 95% of the most successful people in the world wake up early in the morning. To name a few, Jack Dorsey who started Twitter wakes up every morning around 5:00 am, meditates, and goes on a run. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple wakes up at 4:30 am and is at the gym by 5:30 am, and finally Steve Jobs wakes up no later than 6:00 am and also works out. Out of these three successful men, they wake up on average around 5:00 am and not later than 6:00 am. For those of you thinking that this won’t work because you’re a night owl, you could do a little extra research and see what you can incorporate at night to help yourself fall asleep and stay asleep earlier.

  1. Write down your goals

Research shows that writing down your goals on a physical piece of paper will help you pursue and accomplish them. There was a study done by Harvard in 1970 for the graduating class. These 100 students were asked what their goals were upon graduating. Out of the 100 students, only three of them had written down their goals on a piece of paper. 10 years later, Harvard followed up with this graduating class to see if they had accomplished their goals. When they followed up that 3% of the class with written goals were two times more successful than the 90% combined. This proves the importance of valuing your goals and taking the time to write them down.

  1. Work ethic

People are not born with a strong work ethic, rather it’s something that you build upon each day. Finding something you’re passionate about and working hard in it every single day can create a valuable work ethic. Over time you will continue to develop it and continue to work harder.

  1. Exercise

Our bodies are incredible temples that help and support us every day. Research shows that the more exercise you give your body the more energy it will give you. The first time you go to the gym you may be tired. But your body realizes this and gives you more and more energy to get through the workout. Eventually, your body will adjust and it will get stronger. This energy doesn’t leave when you exit the gym. It gives your body energy throughout the whole day which allows you to work even harder than you would have otherwise.

  1. Read

The average person reads 1-2 books a year and the average CEO reads 60 books a year. That is a huge difference. You may be telling yourself that you don’t have time to read 60 books a year and that’s okay. CEOs are some of the busiest people in the world and they find time to incorporate reading into their life. However, if this is too much, try starting small and reading one book every month. Not only is reading important but the type of reading you do is crucial. Many CEOs aren’t reading murder mysteries or romance books. They are reading books proven to better themselves such as mindset and psychological books

  1. Plan your week

Most people go in every week hoping that it goes the way they want to. Instead, try going into the new week with a detailed plan that you are ready to execute. Every Sunday try to sit down and have a personal meeting with yourself. Look back at the past week and use the start, stop, and continue the method. The start is the new things you want to bring into the week, stop are the things that didn’t go well and you’re not going to do this week, and continue are the things that went well that you want to continue doing. Writing these things down will give you some sort of list you can follow throughout the week.

  1. Positive, Self Talk, Gratitude

Starting every day off with positive thoughts will help you continue to have them throughout the day. What you focus on magnifies so thinking positively will only be beneficial.

  1. Mentors

On average, successful people have about 7 different mentors that they look up to. This could be a business partner, a fit person, or even someone you admire that is a great father. These mentors are in your life because you seek them out. They don’t have to be someone that you see every day and that is always around you, but someone that you know will always be there for you.

  1. Proper Nutrition

Giving your body the proper nutrients will help fuel you through the day and accomplish your task at hand. Certain types of food will give you energy and some foods that will take away your energy such as cheese, greasy food and red meat. If you feel like you can’t eliminate these foods or that you don’t want to, try eating them for dinner instead. Listening to your body and what it needs is extremely important.

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